The second painting class

The second painting class with Tipsy Brush the People First Group partnered up with Summit Independent Living Group. The class painted stained glass window project using a various colors. The group enjoyed their individual creations.

Night to Shine

Night to Shine was held February 8th; here are some of the highlites from People First Group

Art class at Gateway Community Center

This is the second year Tipsy Brush has held Art/Painting Classes at the Gateway Community Center. The first year our group learned basics of painting: the primary colors and how to create secondary colors. This years’ classes are going to teach perspective on the canvas and how to create depth in painting. In this class the group created a landscape … Continue Reading →

Christmas Party

On December 20th People First had its Christmas Party at the Gateway Community Center. It was a potluck affair and gift exchange. Special Friends and People First wish everyone Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

December 17 Trolley Tour

On December 17th the People First Group took a Christmas Light Trolley Tour to see how different house decorations around Kalispell.                 

Special Friends-People First Christmas Tree

November 17th was the day all the non-profit agencies at the Gateway Community Center decorate their tree for the holiday season. After getting the decorations our crew took pictures of the final result.

Special Friends Picnic

On October 18th Special Friends had its annual picnic at the Gateway Community Centers’ Food Court. There was a very good turn out, around thirty-five people showed up to enjoy the activity. Hamburgers, hotdogs, and chicken were provided as well as side dishes everyone brought to the event.

Pumpkin Patch

Had a great time at the Pumpkin Patch. The weather was perfect and every one took advantage of the day to participate in all the activities.

Izaak Walton Inn

The fun trip to the Izaak Inn was in September. The train trip during this time of the year offered scenic views, and after breakfast everyone went on a hike. The weather was very comfortable for an autumn day.